Funding and Donations

St John Ambulance is a public body that provides affordable and, in many cases, free ambulance services to the public in an emergency. We generate funds by providing private ‘user pays’ ambulance services and other business activities including air ambulance retrieval, on-site medical services, patient transfer, first aid training and event health services.

Additional funding is provided by the National Department of Health, some provincial governments, corporate supporters and personal donations.

As a not-for-profit organization, all funds we raise go back into caring for the community, to purchase new equipment, to train personnel and to keep ambulances on the road.

We thank our sponsors and the Papua New Guinea community for their continued support.

  • an ambulance officer with an opened first aid kit

    Donate today and save lives

  • New Equipment

  • Training

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Every donation helps save lives

Every time we transport a person to hospital it costs St John about K1,000 on average. The donations we receive help us subsidise the cost of providing treatment and transport to those that cannot pay.

Each month Digicel help us keep ambulances connected by donating over K20,000 in waived bills. This helps us keep our ambulances on road and our coordination centre connected 24/7.

The Sir Brian Bell Foundation helps us teach first aid to thousands of school students each year. The Foundation also donated two 4WD ambulances that help us reach the most vulnerable patients who live on dirt roads far into the jungles and mountains of PNG.

Trakpro enable us to track over 30 ambulances and response vehicles in the National Capital District. They’re our partner to help network every ambulance across the country by 2030.

Click the button to contact our team about making a donation.